Nomination of Guardian
Guardians for your kids.
Appoint who to take care of your children in just a few minutes. Legal & Easy!
Nominate Guardians Now
Three Easy Steps

Answer a few simple questions to make your nomination of guardian in minutes.

Complete the questionnaire on any device, save your progress, and print your completed form anytime.

Sign and store your customized, state-specific nomination of guardian.
Nominate Guardians

A nomination of guardian is a form used by parents to designate who the parents want to take care of their child or children if both parents are unable to do so. When both parents are unable to care for a child, the courts must appoint a guardian. When doing so, courts will usually follow the parents’ wishes as expressed in a nomination of guardian.
Why have one?
Every parent should have a nomination of guardian in place in the unlikely and unhappy event that he or she is unable to care for his or her child. If there is no nomination in place, the courts are left to their own devices to determine who would be a suitable guardian for a child that the courts do not know or understand. It is usually up to family members to initiate court proceedings, and without a nomination in place, family members are left grappling with the difficult task of deciding what the parents would have wanted if they have expressed their wishes before their death or incapacity. This often leads to disputes and divisions among family members that negatively affect the children.

How do I nominate a guardian?

LivingTrustfy provides a nomination of guardian form for anyone who wants to make the responsible choice to designate someone to look after his or her child in the event that he or she is unable to. You can create a nomination of guardian by creating an account (Get Started ) and answering a few simple questions. After completing the questionnaire, you can print your Nomination of Guardian and follow the execution instructions to create a final, valid document expressing your wishes regarding the care of your child.